Described as “a dense mound of ground-hugging branches that radiate from the center” this plant has a bonsai style and tight foliage with a blue-green tint. If your style of garden is Asian/Zen, contemporary, or even slightly rustic, then this plant will feel right at home in one of your beds or even as a potted accent plant for your patio or zen rock garden.
In the early stages, new growth is a bright green and later turns to the noted blue-green tint, which may become tinged with purple over the winter.
This plant has multiple uses. It works well in a group planting on a rocky sloped bed, but it is just as easily trained to grow upright. And did someone say “BONSAI”? Yes, indeed. This one makes a lovely bonsai specimen and can be cared for indoors or out.
It also finds its place on a patio as a formal specimen, near a water feature or dry river bed, or in a narrow courtyard. With so many possibilities, this is a definite for your landscape design.