Petchoa  is a scrumptious cross between a petunia and calibrachoa. It’s got the size of a petunia and it’s profuse flowering power, as well. But the bonus is that it has the wonderfully rich and vibrant colors of a calibrachoa. The newest version of the Petchoa is the SuperCal Premium and its size and color will not disappoint.

Reaching 18 to 20 inches, these plants are perfect for your container gardens or straight into the ground. The varieties are numerous and we’re excited to share them with you.







French Vanilla









Sunray Pink







Snowberry White









Crimson Red







Blushing Pink









Light Yellow









Artist Rose









Caramel Yellow






Salmon Glow








We weren’t kidding about the colors, were we? We dare you to tell us you didn’t fall in love with just one of these selections.